Showcasing the dplyr case_when() and case_match() Functions

While reading Effective Pandas 2 by Matt Harrison, I learned about the new .case_when method in Pandas 2, which is a total life changer for pandas users who have longed for such a function for a long time. However, as an R programmer, I decided to review the dplyr case_when() documentation and learned that this “lifesaving” function has been updated.

Data Science
Data Wrangling

Alier Reng


4 January 2024


While reading Effective Pandas 2 by Matt Harrison, I learned about the new .case_when() method in Pandas 2, which is a total life changer for pandas users who have longed for such a function for a long time. However, as an R programmer, I decided to review the dplyr case_when() documentation and learned that this lifesaving function has been updated. The recently released version of the case_when() function now includes the following arguments:

case_when(…, .default = NULL, .ptype = NULL, .size = NULL)

You can read more about case_when() function here!


The case_when() and case_match() functions from the dplyr package provide a flexible way to create conditional statements based on multiple conditions. In this tutorial, we showcase these two functions and conclude with a bonus section highlighting the separate_wider_delim() function from the tidyr package.

The dplyr website describes the amazing case_when() function as follows:

This function allows you to vectorise multiple if_else() statements. Each case is evaluated sequentially and the first match for each element determines the corresponding value in the output vector. If no cases match, the .default is used as a final “else” statment.

case_when() is an R equivalent of the SQL “searched” CASE WHEN statement.

Getting Started

Loading the Required Libraries

We will load the entire tidyverse meta-package (which contains 9 packages) for this tutorial, although we will only use the dplyr, tidyr, and stringr packages. Additionally, we will suppress warnings and notifications by setting the warning and message options to false, respectively.


Loading the dataset

We will use the vroom package instead of the readr package to load the South Sudan 2008 census dataset. Even though our dataset is too small for the speed to matter, vroom is faster than readr.

# Load the data -----------------
ssd_census_2008 <-
    show_col_types = FALSE
  ) |>
    state        = `Region Name`,
    gender       = `Variable Name`,
    age_category = `Age Name`,
    population   = `2008`
  ) |>
    age_category != "Total"

case_when() Example

# Showcase case_when() function ---------
case_when_tbl <-
  ssd_census_2008 |>
    state = state |> str_to_lower(),
    former_region = case_when(
      str_detect(state, "equatoria") ~ "Greater Equatoria",
      str_detect(state, "upper nile") ~ "Greater Upper Nile",
      str_detect(state, "unity") ~ "Greater Upper Nile",
      str_detect(state, "jonglei") ~ "Greater Upper Nile",
      .default = "Greater Bahr el Ghazal"
  ) |>
    age_category = case_when(
      age_category %in% c("0 to 4", "5 to 9", "10 to 14") ~ "0-14",
      age_category %in% c("15 to 19", "20 to 24") ~ "15-24",
      age_category %in% c("25 to 29", "30 to 34") ~ "25-34",
      age_category %in% c("35 to 39", "40 to 44") ~ "35-44",
      age_category %in% c("45 to 49", "50 to 54") ~ "45-54",
      age_category %in% c("55 to 59", "60 to 64") ~ "55-64",
      .default = "65+"
  ) |>
  # Group by and summarization
    population = sum(population),
    .by = c(former_region, state, gender, age_category)

case_match() Example

According to the dplyr website, the case_match() function is a “general vectorized switch().” Below is a summary from the website:

This function allows you to vectorise multiple switch() statements. Each case is evaluated sequentially and the first match for each element determines the corresponding value in the output vector. If no cases match, the .default is used. case_match() is an R equivalent of the SQL “simple” CASE WHEN statement.

Connection to case_when(). While case_when() uses logical expressions on the left-hand side of the formula, case_match() uses values to match against .x with.

# Showcase case_match() function ------
case_match_tbl <-
  ssd_census_2008 |>
  # add former regions of South Sudan
    state = str_to_lower(state),
    # former regions
    former_region = case_match(
        "upper nile",
      ) ~ "Greater Upper Nile",
        "central equatoria",
        "western equatoria",
        "eastern equatoria"
      ) ~ "Greater Equatoria",
      .default = "Greater Bahr el Ghazal"
    # age category
    age_category = case_match(
      c("0 to 4", "5 to 9", "10 to 14") ~ "0-14",
      c("15 to 19", "20 to 24") ~ "15-24",
      c("25 to 29", "30 to 34") ~ "25-34",
      c("35 to 39", "40 to 44") ~ "35-44",
      c("45 to 49", "50 to 54") ~ "45-54",
      c("55 to 59", "60 to 64") ~ "55-64",
      .default = "65+"

Using the same dataset, the preceding code snippets showed how to implement both the case_when() and case_match() functions. Here, it is vividly clear that these two functions are similar, but case_match() involves less typing, and it seems to be a bit cleaner than the case_when().

Bonus Tip

In this final section, as a bonus, we’ll throw in the new updates about the separate() function from the tidyr package. Below is what we gleaned from the package website:

separate() has been superseded in favour of separate_wider_position() and separate_wider_delim() because the two functions make the two uses more obvious, the API is more polished, and the handling of problems is better. Superseded functions will not go away, but will only receive critical bug fixes.

Given either a regular expression or a vector of character positions, separate() turns a single character column into multiple columns.

Tidying Column Values with the separate() variants

In this section, we’ll demonstrate how to use the separate_wider_delim() function, the most commonly used of the two variants of the separate() function. First, we will show how we solved the same problem previously and then show the updated variant.

We are trying to solve

Here, we aim to separate the gender column into three new columns but only keep the middle column with gender rows. Here are the unique values currently in the gender column: “Population, Total (Number),” “Population, Male (Number),” and “Population, Female (Number).”


# Showcase the separate() function
separate_before_tbl <-
  case_match_tbl |>
  # Split gender column into: pop, gender, and other
    col = gender, 
    into = c("pop", "gender", "other"), 
    sep = " "
  ) |>
  # Remove extra/unwanted columns
  select(-pop, -other) |> 
  # Remove the total rows
  filter(gender != "Total") |>
  # Group by and summarization
    population = sum(population),
    .by = c(former_region, state, gender, age_category)

The separate() function handles additional pieces with the extra argument, which can be set to either “warn,” “drop,” or “merge.” However, if there are fewer pieces, then separate() handles them with the fill argument, which can be set to either “warn” (this is the default option; it emits a warning and fills in the missing pieces from the right), “right” (‘fill with missing values on the right’), and “left” (‘fill with missing values on the left’).


# Showcase the separate() function
separate_wider_delim_tbl <-
  case_match_tbl |>
  # Split gender column
    delim    = " ",
    names    = c(NA, "gender"),
    too_many = "drop" # drop extra column
  ) |>
  # Remove the total rows
  filter(gender != "Total") |>
  # Group by and summarization
    population = sum(population),
    .by = c(former_region, state, gender, age_category)

Using the NA

# Showcase the separate() function
separate_wider_delim_tbl <-
  case_match_tbl |>
  # Split gender column
    delim    = " ",
    names    = c(NA, "gender", NA),
    # too_many = "drop" # drop extra column
  ) |>
  # Remove the total rows
  filter(gender != "Total") |>
  # Group by and summarization
    population = sum(population),
    .by = c(former_region, state, gender, age_category)

The newer variants of separate(): separate_wider_delim() and separate_wider_position() handle fewer or extra pieces with the too_few and too_many arguments, which can be set to “error,” “debug,” “align_start,” or “align_end”; and “error,” “debug,” “drop,” or “merge,” respectively. Further, a user can also set extra columns to NA to exclude them from the output - this is handy and saves time!

Closing Remarks

In this tutorial, we’ve showcased the updates to the case_when() function and highlighted its simplified variant, case_match(), which involves less typing and is much cleaner. case_when() has been optimized to handle NA beautifully well. Users can now set .default to NA without specifying each NA type.

Further, explained that separate() from the tidyr package has been superseded by its newer variants: separate_wider_delim(), separate_wider_position(), and separate_wider_regex(), which split a character column into multiple columns with a delimiter, fixed widths, and regular expression matches, respectively. We hope you will find this tutorial helpful. If you do, please drop us a comment, share our post, and follow us on LinkedIn at tongakuot and YouTube at AlierwaiDataStudio.


  1. Çetinkaya-Rundel, M.(2023, August 14). What’s new in the tidyverse? YouTube.